Round 1 goes to CF. We were hoping that a week of IV fluids (hydration therapy) would be enough to break up the junk in my lungs and get me back on track. Though I did make some progress, it wasn't nearly as much as we were looking for. So, for Round 2, we're bringing out the big guns: IV antibiotics. Fortunately I'm still being treated at home and am keeping out of the hospital. Unfortunately, I also managed to come down with a head cold this week, because I'm a drama queen. So right now I'm all runny nose sore throat miserable, which pretty much sucks. But hopefully by this time next week I'll be feeling miles better!!!
Anyone wanna brave my germs? Visitors welcome!
Anyone wanna brave my germs? Visitors welcome!

On the plus side, I got a day off from treatments yesterday while they worked out the transition from hydration to antibiotics, and my wonderful friend Sandy came all the way down from NY to visit! Not only did I get a chance to get out and about all day without being attached to an IV pole (for the first time in a week!), I got to do it with a friend! Definitely lifted my spirits and gave me energy to buckle down for this next round of treatment. Thanks so much Sandy!!!!!