Friday, February 25, 2022

Home sweet home!

I’m home! I love my bed and my kitchen! And my partner is pretty great too!! 😄
It’s wonderful to be home, but I’m definitely feeling pretty uncomfortable. The dressings came off yesterday, and I was surprised to see that they opened up about half of each transplant incision. So that’s a bunch of stitches on each side and they don’t feel too great, plus another hole where I have the drain dangling out of me. Not too much has been draining out today though so I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to get that removed next week. I kinda feel how I did a couple months after transplant in terms of discomfort. Fortunately this is nowhere near as bad as transplant though since they only had to cut the skin and not the muscles. And the little drain is nothing compared to the 6 huge chest tubes I had after transplant. But it still isn’t fun and I’ll be very glad when things heal up.
I’m pretty sure this infection has been bothering me for quite a while without me realizing it. Long after everything should have healed up post-transplant I was still having random pain in my incisions even before the lumps popped up. At the time we thought it was nerve pain, but now I think it might have been the pseudomonas infection randomly flaring up. Hopefully once this is all done I will FINALLY be pain-free for the first time since transplant.
There is one unsung hero in all this who I have neglected to mention until now, and that’s Rivka Sara Beck. Ever since I was hospitalized in December she has made sure that I have food every Shabbos, sometimes picking up food from other people, and usually making it herself. I am so fortunate to have such wonderful friends and am endlessly grateful for everyone’s support!
I’m definitely looking forward to having a very low-key Shabbos and continuing to recover in the comfort of my own home!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

It's done!

They got me in! It took until around 2pm so it was still a long hangry day, but at least it’s done!
Thankfully surgery went well and they’re pretty confident that they were able to clean out all the infected tissue. They ended up doing both sides, which I’m actually happy about because I don’t want to have to come back and do this again later. The right side was able to be stitched up, but the left side has a drain in it to continue clearing stuff out. It’s basically a tube sticking out of me with a ball at the end that grossness (mostly blood) drips into all day long. Apparently both the drain and the stitches will probably need to stay in for a few weeks. I haven’t actually seen my incisions yet because they haven’t taken the dressing off, but I had a plastic surgeon working on me so I’m sure they’ll be minimal. I’m also pretty sure they cut along my existing transplant scars so it’s not like they’ll be anything new.
We’ve also started me on IV amikacin to finish clearing out any remnants of infection. That will be a 2 week course, but the good news is it’s only once a day! What a breeze! I actually don’t think I’ve ever had such a light infusion schedule and I’m super grateful for it, especially after how torturous my last infusion schedule was. Let’s all just pray that it doesn’t do any significant damage my hearing in the process.
And the best news is that maybe, HOPEFULLY, I just might be able to go home tomorrow! Everything is looking on track for discharge, but I know from past experience not to believe it until they’re actually wheeling me out the door. Here’s hoping!
It has been a LONG road dealing with these abscesses, but I’m finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully these will be the last steps to getting me back on track!

Monday, February 21, 2022


The good news is they actually managed to direct admit me and I didn’t have to go to the ER. The bad news is they didn’t do surgery today. Instead I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink after midnight, waited hangrily until 2:45pm, and then found out that they wouldn’t be able to fit me into the schedule after all. So that was fun. And I get to do it all over again tomorrow!
My transplant doctor is actually working in the hospital this week, which is convenient, and he was not impressed. Apparently they assured him that if he admitted me yesterday they would get me onto the surgery schedule today. There are no guarantees of course, but he thinks he made enough people feel bad enough about it today to get me on the schedule tomorrow. In his words he gave off “strong disappointed dad vibes,” so hopefully that’ll be enough!
I will say though that the new hospital definitely is fancy. The rooms are larger and have a much better layout than the ones in the old building. The TV is as big as I am, and has a screen with all the info about my providers and treatment plan that used to go on a whiteboard. It updates automatically in real time, so no more issues with people forgetting to change the info. Also, every time someone enters the room their name and picture pop up at the bottom of the screen, which is great for someone like me who is just terrible with names. The blinds are motorized and can be controlled from your bed, and the door and windows looking into the hallway have this cool glass that you can turn from clear to opaque with the touch of a button like magic. It’s also QUIET! I barely hear any noise from the hallway and haven’t heard a peep from my neighbors. So even though it sucks being stuck here, at least I’m hospitaling in style!
In a few more minutes I’ll be starting starvation round 2. Here’s hoping it goes much faster than it did today!

Sunday, February 20, 2022

A plan at last!

We finally have a plan! It isn’t a particularly fun plan, but it is a plan nonetheless.

I had a follow up with my transplant doctor on Tuesday. We confirmed that Lump and Lump Jr. are now smaller after Lump popped, drained, and never grew back. We also confirmed that Other Lump has gotten bigger, which was obvious as it has been red and swollen for at least a week. And so, we finally came up with a treatment plan: surgery to drain Other Lump, followed by a 2 week course of IV amikacin. Unfortunately that requires being admitted for a few days while they stabilize the dosage before sending me home to finish up.

But what about the bacteriophages?? Well, we’re still waiting for Yale to turn them into a clinical grade product for me. If they’re ready before I finish the amikacin, I’ll probably start them immediately. If they’re ready afterwards, and the amikacin takes care of the infection, then we’ll save them for the next infection (because we all know I ALWAYS bring the drama). At this point I’m honestly kind of hoping they aren’t ready, because since they’re a weird experimental treatment they have to be given in the hospital, and I’m really not in the mood for a 2 week stay at Hotel HUP. So I’m just gonna hope that amikacin does the trick without damaging my hearing.

Of course, just as we came up with a plan, Other Lump decided it wasn’t getting enough attention. Barely a day after my appointment it burst dramatically and released an absolutely appalling amount of pus. It was basically my own private episode of Dr. Pimple Popper, and since I refuse to watch that show I didn’t exactly enjoy the experience. It then proceeded to continue draining for the next 16 hours or so, which I also didn’t enjoy. On the plus side, Other Lump looks and feels much better now! But my doctor still wants me to get it cleaned out, so I’m scheduled for surgery on Monday.

The plan for today is to admit me and get me started on IV amikacin. We’re hoping to pull off a direct admission this time instead of putting me through yet another ER visit. I’ll also get to experience the fancy new hospital building since this time I’ll be assigned to a surgical team and all the ORs are in the new building. If I have to be stuck at HUP, at least I get to do it in style! So I’ll be spending the rest of my weekend sitting around waiting for someone to call and either tell me that a bed is ready, or that I need to go to the ER and get admitted from there, and then settling into the hospital. Do I know how to party or what?

As not-fun as all this is, I am DEFINITELY looking forward to eventually being DONE with this round of drama. This stupid lump saga has dragged on for way too long, and I am extremely ready to move on with my life!