Monday, August 30, 2021


I just realized it’s been almost 3 months since I wrote a health update. I’ve *thought* about writing, and really felt like I *should* post something, but I just haven’t been able to muster up the mental energy to actually do it. Don’t let the social media break fool you into thinking that my life is quiet, however. It’s almost always a safe bet that I have some sort of stress and drama going on.
I once came across a little picture book called All My Friends Are Dead, which was a good fit for my often dark and morbid sense of humor. I’ve been thinking of that book a lot lately, because my life is starting to feel that way. This year has been pretty brutal for the CF server on Discord. In May we lost Jacob, less than 4 months after his double lung transplant, at just 25 years old. And then, a couple weeks ago, we lost Eve. Eve got her transplant in 2019 at only 13 years old. She struggled with rejection pretty quickly, and was waiting for a second transplant, but sadly she couldn’t hold on any longer. She was just 15 years old.
In the midst of all this death and tragedy, I also had my own health struggles. In June I started running a low grade fever, culminating in a sudden spike to 102.4. You don’t play around with any sign of infection when you’re immunosuppressed, particularly fevers, so a fever that high sent me straight to the ER. I followed almost exactly the same fever pattern last summer, and sure enough I once again had a pseudomonas infection brewing in my lungs. You might remember from last year that my pseudomonas has basically been supercharged from decades of antibiotics and is now resistant to almost everything. There’s now only 1 IV antibiotic that we can use without putting my hearing and/or kidneys at risk. Fortunately, that antibiotic can now be administered at home, so I only had to spend a few days in the hospital instead of the full 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I had to give myself a 3-hour infusion every 8 hours, which was divided into 2 separate 1.5 hour doses, so I didn’t get much in the way of sleep that whole time.
It’s very frustrating to keep battling these infections, especially since I know where they’re coming from yet can’t do much about it. I already had surgery last summer to try to clear out my sinuses and reduce the infections, but it doesn’t seem to be helping. I’m now back on a nebulized antibiotic every other month to try to keep things under control, and probably will be for life, since I ended up in the hospital when I tried stopping for a few months. My current medical routine is still WAY better than my pre-transplant life, but I can’t help wishing things would be just a little easier. Of course, then I feel bad about complaining, since I know many people struggle so much more than I do. Survivor’s guilt sucks.
And then of course there’s Covid. While it seems that the rest of the world is making their way back to business as usual, I remain mostly locked down. I remain at high risk for severe, life-threatening illness, as unfortunately my anti-rejection meds prevented me from producing Covid antibodies. This wasn’t surprising, but was still disappointing. My doctor does believe, however, that the vaccine produces other immune responses that don’t show up on testing, as vaccinated transplant recipients aren’t getting quite as severely ill if they catch Covid. There’s also evidence that some immunosuppressed people who didn’t respond to the first 2 shots DO respond to a 3rd dose, so I got my 3rd shot just over a week ago. Here’s hoping!!
Overall I’ve had a lot weighing me down over the last few months. I wasn’t exactly a paragon of emotional stability before that either, so I really didn’t need more stress and sadness in my life. With Covid continuing to hang over my head, and the annual danger of cold and flu season coming up, things aren’t feeling particularly hopefully right now. I am physically and mentally exhausted.
I don’t look at Facebook very much these days, so please don’t be offended if you share something important and I don’t react. Chances are I didn’t see it. I’ve also been even more terrible than usual at responding to texts and phone calls, as I tend to crawl into an antisocial cave when I’m stressed and unhappy, so please don’t take it personally. I really appreciate the efforts of those of you who continue reaching out to me despite this! Thank you for putting up with me!