Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Another speedbump

First, the good news: it’s NOT rejection!

I’ve been kinda quiet about my health status the last couple weeks, because I didn’t want to say anything until I knew what was going on. Now I know what’s going on: but first, we need to go back to something that I think I might not have mentioned. Immediately post-transplant my sputum culture showed some of the infections that I had pre-transplant. My treatment team didn’t seem too concerned, however, since my new lungs don’t produce the sticky CF mucus that would allow infections to settle in and make big problems. With antibiotics those infections eventually disappeared, and I had infection-free sputum cultures for the first time in decades. That lasted for a few weeks, but 2 weeks ago the infections showed up again. This isn’t surprising, as I still have my same old terrible CF sinuses, which have the same infections and will probably keep re-infecting my lungs. Again, my treatment team wasn’t concerned, and we just put me back on an inhaled antibiotic to treat the infections.

A week later, not only was I still slightly more congested, but I was also wheezing a little. Worse, my PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) numbers had dropped, from 80% (!!!!) to 75%. We added an oral antibiotic and continued monitoring. This week the wheezing was more pronounced and I started having a dry, scratchy cough early in the morning. Today my PFTs had dropped even more and were down to 69%. I was trying not to panic, as I was convinced this meant that I was experiencing rejection. However, to quote my doctor, “rejection doesn’t wheeze.” Apparently it also doesn’t cough, or choose sides, as my right side sounded junky and wheezy while the left side was clear. My doctor said it’s just scabs and scar tissue narrowing the airways on the right side, which they had already seen during my last bronchoscopy. During my next bronchoscopy they’ll go in and open things up again, which should solve the problem. Originally I wasn’t supposed to have a bronchoscopy until the end of August, but they’re going to move it up since I’m having issues. I hope it happens soon so I can stop wheezing and rattling!

Despite the drop in numbers, I’ve still been feeling pretty good! I’m still keeping active and my endurance hasn’t dropped significantly. I think things were SO bad before transplant that even dropping down to 69% still feels AMAZING! My biggest problem, aside from wheezing and rattling being mildly uncomfortable, has actually been… my hips! During my last couple weeks of pulmonary rehab I started having significant hip pain. We think the rigors of rehab after being mostly bedridden for so long might have been too much for my body. The pain level goes up and down day by day, but there are some days where I’m almost hobbling from the pain. My lungs are ready to go, but my body not so much! I’ll be starting physical therapy this week to address that as well as back pain. My back has been a mess for years from all the coughing, and being bedridden and going through major surgery didn’t do it any favors. Hopefully I’ll actually be able to do something about it now that I hardly cough anymore!

So that’s the story around here. Speedbumps are expected during this process, and as speedbumps go it sounds like this isn’t a bad one. Hopefully I’ll get those numbers back to 80% and beyond soon!

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