Sunday, September 8, 2019

Bumps in the road

A couple weeks ago I noticed that I was wheezing again, similar to how I was before the bronchoscopy. I had a hunch my airways were already narrowing and that I would need another bronchoscopy sooner than later. On Wednesday my pulmonary function numbers were down 4% and my doctor confirmed that the wheezing and constriction is all on the right side, the same side they had to clean out the last 2 times. He wasn’t concerned and said that this will settle down eventually as my lungs finish healing, and that things already looked better during my last bronchoscopy. Nevertheless, we need to keep on top of it, so that means another bronchoscopy in a couple weeks to open up the airways and clean out any dead tissue. On the plus side, that means another stuffed animal for the Bronchoscopy Collection!

My hips, meanwhile, continue to misbehave. I’ve only seen slight improvement with physical therapy, so we’re trying to get me an appointment with an orthopedic doctor to figure out the next steps. I’ve also been having pain in other joints, including my fingers, shoulders, and knees. I kinda feel like a creaky old lady! My doctor said it’s possible this could be due to one of my medications, but it’s more likely from my body adjusting to being on a lower dose of Prednisone after being on such high doses of steroids for so long. Unfortunately it could take months for my body to finish adjusting, so it looks like pain is just going to be part of my life for now. What’s also unfortunate is that post-transplant I can’t take any drugs that include ibuprofen due to drug interactions, so I’m stuck with Tylenol instead. And before someone suggests medical marijuana, that’s out too, as that also interacts with one of my anti-rejection meds. I never tried marijuana before, and apparently now I never will. Alas!

Once again I have to remind myself that transplant recovery is a long process, and allow my body to heal at its own pace. Which is hard when I feel so much better and want to do all the things! It also isn’t exactly fun being in varying degrees of pain most of the time. But I’ll keep working on being patient, and hopefully things will settle down soon!

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