Wednesday, November 20, 2019

6-month bronchoscopy!

Today was 6 month bronchoscopy day - yes, it's been 6 months since my transplant! I'm currently in the post-bronchoscopy sore-throat worn-out still-groggy-from-anesthesia stage, so right now Katherine is dealing with me wandering around whimpering pathetically when I'm not laying in my recliner and pathetically whimpering from there. But she's the best girlfriend ever so she's cheerfully putting up with me and making me delicious mashed potatoes that won't be rough on my throat. And she got me yet another adorbs Bronchoscopy Animal for the collection, which always makes everything better.

Everything went well, and the surgeon said this time my airways looked great! He said they looked almost as good as after he finished my last bronchoscopy, they barely needed any dilation, and there was NO necrotic tissue! This means my lungs are finally healing up nicely and I shouldn't need another bronchoscopy for a few months. I probably won't make it the full 6 months until my regularly scheduled 1 year bronchoscopy, but anything more than a month between bronchs will be a welcome break!
The other good news this week is that I've been in significantly less pain. We stopped my anti-fungal medicine last week since I'm now 6 months post-transplant with no signs of fungal infection. My doctor said it was possible that medication was contributing to my joint pain, though he thought primary culprit was probably Prednisone withdrawal. A few days after stopping the anti-fungal, however, I suddenly had far less pain and much more range of motion! The pain isn't completely gone, but it's MUCH better and I feel much more functional. I did have a brief run of good days once before, so I'm a little anxious that it won't last, but I'm hopeful that maybe the anti-fungal was responsible for the bulk of my pain and that I'll do much better now that I'm off it. Fingers crossed!
So it's been a week of good news, despite bronchoscopies not exactly being a good time. Hopefully it'll be the start of an ongoing upwards trend!!

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