Monday, May 20, 2024

Happy 5th Lungiversary to me!

5 years!!!

Sunday May 12th was my 5th lungiversary! 5 years is statistically a Big Deal, as around half of lung transplant recipients don't survive 5 years after transplant. To not only survive but be doing really well and have had NO rejection during those 5 years is amazing!

We knew we had to celebrate this incredible milestone, but we thought it would be rude to host a party on Mother's Day (even though I actually got my transplant on Mother's Day!). We pushed the party off for a week, and Sunday was the day! We started off with a bagel brunch in my mom's backyard, before going to Philly for a sightseeing trolley tour! I had a great time spending the day celebrating with family and friends, and really appreciate all the people who came out to recognize this special occasion!

I also was surprised on Shabbos by several friends from my synagogue who sponsored kiddush in honor of my lungiversay! They even got me a cake for the occasion! Between kiddush on Saturday and the party on Sunday, it was a very celebratory weekend!

I am so grateful not only for being here to celebrate 5 years post-transplant, but for having so many people who love me and share in my joy! Here's to many more lungiversary celebrations!

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