Tuesday, February 25, 2025

And the verdict is...

And the verdict is… no more surgery!!!
I saw the plastic surgeon last week, and he said my wound is all healed up and doesn’t need any further intervention! That was a HUGE relief!! I also had a transplant appointment last week, and my lung function was at 99%! Which means that once again I have weathered a respiratory virus without triggering any rejection. Whew! I’m SO glad to finally put this round of medical drama behind me!!
That doesn’t mean I have nothing left on my plate however. Now I need to catch up on stuff that got pushed off while I was dealing with more pressing issues. A big one is that I still need to get a tooth extracted, which my transplant doctor wants me to prioritize due to the risk of infection. I also have a follow up hearing test and ENT appointment to see how I’ve recovered from the pseudomonas infection in my ear. In a couple months I need to get an ultrasound to make sure the DVT in my arm has resolved, and I might need to follow up with hematology since this is the second time I’ve had a PICC induced blood clot. Then there’s the standard stuff like getting a mammogram and following up with my diabetes doctor. Never a dull moment!
I also now have a primary care doctor for the first time in decades! A few weeks ago I randomly started having pain in my shoulder. My transplant team sent me for an x-ray to make sure my bones were ok, since they’ve been weakened by years of steroid use. Thankfully nothing was broken, so they told me to follow up with a primary care doctor, since joint issues are really outside their area of expertise. So I got to overwhelm a primary care doctor with my insane medical history, which was actually kind of amusing. She was so overwhelmed, in fact, that she scheduled a second, longer appointment to finish going through everything. In the meantime, I have shoulder exercises to try before looking into PT. And I also have an orthopaedic appointment to deal with some on and off hip and foot pain that has been an issue for years but I never bothered dealing with. Look at me having normal people problems!
Finding out that I don’t need further surgery and that my lungs are doing well was GREAT news after over 2 months of medical drama. Hopefully I can stick with my baseline level of medical involvement and avoid any more urgent issues for a good long while!

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