Monday, July 25, 2016


So the good news is, my pulmonary function numbers are still very decent. The bad news is, they haven’t improved any further, and are the same as they were 2 weeks ago. The worse news is, my doctor isn’t yet confident that I can maintain this level of lung function without IV hydration, particularly during the current heat wave. So I’m doing 10 more days of IV hydration, and then he would like me to keep the PICC line (a fancy, long lasting IV) in for another month while we see how I do without hydration, so that I can easily resume hydration if necessary without needing to have another line put in.

Honestly, I was not in my happy place today. I am thoroughly tired of being chained to an IV pole 8+ waking hours a day. I am also tired of persistent discomfort in my arm from the PICC line, and of having to wrap it up with plastic and tape every time I take a shower. And I’m definitely tired of being mostly homebound, since I’m hooked to the IV much of the day, and I’m unwilling to travel too far from my homecare provider in case something goes wrong with the PICC and I need assistance. I know it could be far worse, and thank G-d my health is stable enough that I only have these relatively minor irritations stressing me out. That being said, it is turning into a long, boring, lonely summer.

On the plus side, however, there was a SPECTACULAR thunderstorm this evening, which I greatly enjoyed. I even went outside and stood on the porch to take it all in and feel some of the wildness of the wind and rain. So that was kind of Hashem to send some phenomenal extreme weather that I could safely experience and enjoy, which provided a much needed distraction and lifted my mood. Also, I took a shower, and it never ceases to amaze me how much something so simple as feeling clean can lift your spirits.

So that’s my story… Stay tuned for continued installments of Eliana’s Medical Adventures.

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