Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Happy birthday to me

Nine years later, things are a bit different. I’m a little less triumphant, and a lot more tired. But I’m still here, still moving forward, still laughing, and squeezing as much living as I can into the space around the medical drama and new limitations. And always, always proudly proclaiming my age, refusing to hide from it, and embracing the magnificent blessing of every single birthday.

Next year will be a big one! So many people hide from 40, mumble it under their breath or amputate a few years in embarrassment. NOT ME!!! I want to have a big blowout birthday bash! It occurred to me recently that all too often people only make the effort to get together for a funeral. What a waste! If there’s gonna be a great big reunion with all my friends and family, *I* want to be there for it! So this is your official announcement to start planning for next year. I haven’t figured out what I’m doing yet, but I would LOVE for some of my more far-flung friends to come celebrate with me. I don’t care when the party happens, as long as I can fit in as many of the friends I never get to see as possible. Far-flung friends, please let me know general time frames that could work for you so I can find a time when the most people will be available.

Feel free to suggest venue ideas. I’ll need to be close to Cherry Hill/Philadelphia, since I can never predict what my health will be like. And I’d like to do something more fun than just a meal if possible, but also not too loud so I can actually talk to people. I also obviously can’t really afford any of this, so if anyone wants to contribute to the cause definitely let me know.

I just finished one birthday and am already looking forward to the next one. Here’s to a full year of joy and celebration!

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