Tuesday, November 17, 2020

And the verdict is...

It’s official: Pseudomonas REALLY loves me.
A few weeks ago, we got the results back from the sample they took during my bronch. Unfortunately, even after all that treatment in August, they STILL found Pseudomonas in my lungs. It’s unclear whether we never fully eradicated it or if my sinuses just reinfected my lungs that quickly, but either way it was very upsetting. I literally screamed with frustration after hanging up the phone. Damn you Pseudomonas!!
The new plan is to put me back on a nebulized antibiotic, specifically Tobramycin. Tobramycin is the one that gave me tinnitus, but taking it via nebulizer is far less risky than IVs. I haven’t done Tobra nebs in years because over time my airways became increasingly reactive, and I started having significant asthmatic symptoms every time I took it. Hopefully my new lungs will tolerate it better, especially since my clinic’s protocol is to only give post-transplant patients a half dose. I’m also taking an albuterol nebulizer beforehand to help open my airways and counteract any negative reactions. The downside of this is that it’s been so long since I took albuterol that I’ve completely lost my tolerance for it. For years I did albuterol nebs at least twice a day, so they didn’t really affect me.  Yesterday I took my first albuterol neb in months, and boy did it mess with me. My heart was racing, my hands were shaking, and for hours afterwards I felt shaky and worn out and had a headache. I really hope my body gets reacclimated to albuterol soon!
I was pretty freaked out when I got the bronch results, but I’m feeling calmer after hearing from some other post-transplant CFers who have dealt with Pseudomonas without it impacting their lung function. My team also wasn’t alarmed and reassured me that this is not uncommon, and that I will likely just keep going on and off Tobra nebs as needed. I’m not excited about getting back into a twice a day neb routine after having a nice little break for the last year or so, but that’s definitely easier than IV antibiotics. I also feel a little spoiled complaining about a few nebs after spending most of my life doing multiple nebulizers 2-4 times a day on top of airway clearance. My current nebulizer routine is still SO much lighter than it was pre-transplant!
Unfortunately, I’ve still been struggling with fatigue and low mood. We decided a couple weeks ago to discontinue the Trikafta entirely, since it’s unclear how much benefit I’m getting and it could be worsening those symptoms. I do think my mood has improved a bit, though I’m not sure about the fatigue. We recently discussed the fact that my iron levels have been a bit low, which could be contributing to my fatigue. Unfortunately, oral iron supplements can slow down the gut, which is already a problem for me due to CF digestive issues and gastroparesis (aka delayed gastric emptying). Due to this, I’ll have to go in for iron infusions once a week for 3 weeks. During that time I’m also scheduled to get an infusion of Reclast to improve my bone density, which has been damaged by years of steroid use. Apparently infusions are the theme for December! I’m a little worried about how my terrible veins will handle all these IVs and infusions, since I no longer have a port and I doubt they’ll give me a PICC line for just 4 infusions. Hopefully it won’t be too bad, and HOPEFULLY treating the anemia will be the fix I need to get my energy back!
I’m super not excited about heading into cold and flu plus Covid-Part-2 season. I guess it won’t really make much difference since I’m already isolating and being super careful, but it’s never fun knowing there are even more germs floating around trying to kill me. It’s also even less fun hunkering down and trying not to die when it’s all cold and dark and depressing outside. I remember how exhausting cold and flu season was last year, and how much I was looking forward to spring, only to get slammed with Covid instead. This year is worse since I’ve already been on varying degrees of lockdown for a full year now. Hopefully all the promising news about the Covid vaccine will come to fruition, and maybe I’ll FINALLY get released sometime this coming spring or summer!
That’s the latest in my life of medical shenanigans. Hopefully I’ll have a more uplifting update sometime soon!

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