Thursday, March 14, 2019

Keeping on keeping on

Welp, I managed to regain a whole 1% in lung function. Go me.

I am feeling a little better. My oxygen has been a little more stable and my heart rate hasn’t been going quite as high with exertion, though I do still need some supplemental oxygen when I’m out and about. I’ve also been a little less congested. Overall though the gains haven’t been too significant, so much to my disappointment my doctor wants to try one more week of IV antibiotics. Thankfully, however, we’re stopping the Zosyn and switching me back to Zerbaxa, aka the Fancy Restricted Antibiotic. This is so that I can get a LITTLE more sleep, since Zosyn is run every 6 hours, whereas Zerbaxa is run every 8 hours. I’ve been an utterly sleep deprived zombie these last couple weeks, so at this point I’ll take whatever I can get! I feel like a cat these days: I don’t actually sleep anymore, I just take naps of varying lengths at various points throughout the day. I think cats enjoy this more than I do though!

On the plus side, my last sputum culture did NOT show MRSA or either of the two fungal infections that popped up previously. Unfortunately, that hasn’t actually translated into any real improvement in my health. If I don’t see any real improvement with another week of IV antibiotics, we’re going to move on to treating the other infection that has been cropping up lately in my sputum cultures: mycobacterium chelonae, a nontuberculosis mycobacterium (aka NTM). We haven’t treated it until now because it’s unclear whether the NTM is actually the source of any of my symptoms, and treating it requires taking multiple antibiotics for a very extended period of time. Apparently it can also be difficult to get approval for some of the medications involved. And, one of the meds used to treat it is Tobramycin, the IV antibiotic which gave me tinnitus and can cause hearing loss. We’re exploring whether I can take the Tobra via nebulizer, which has less risk of causing hearing issues, but unfortunately in the past the nebulizer formulation of Tobra (called TOBI) gave me asthma attacks. I’ve asked whether we can try giving me the IV version of Tobra to inhale, which is what I did for years without any problems before TOBI was developed. It’s unclear however whether we’ll be able to get approval for an off-brand use of injectable Tobra since a nebulizer version is available.

The other main goal now is getting me to be a little more active. I’ve been feeling sort of awful both physically and mentally, which has led to me spending a LOT of time moping on the couch. I’m trying to pull myself together and leave the house a little more, even if only briefly, and to do brief, mild exercise at home a few times a day. I’m obviously not running any marathons, but whatever exercise I can manage is good for both my physical and mental health. I just need to be careful about not pushing my heart rate too high, as unfortunately the “leaky pipes” have still been an issue. Thankfully I haven’t had a full bleed in two and a half weeks, but I’ve been having varying degrees of bloody mucus at least once a week all month. I’m trying really hard to avoid anything that could trigger a full bleed, as that would force me to hold various treatments and prevent me from clearing mucus out of my lungs. On the other hand, I do need to exercise, because not exercising is also detrimental to my lungs as well as the rest of my body. It’s a really fun catch-22.

It has been a really, really difficult winter. Hopefully things will start looking up soon.

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