Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy Purim!

Until last week I had no plans for Purim. I was so exhausted and miserable that I just didn’t have it in me to come up with a theme and a costume. Once my doctor told me that I could rejoin the world, however, I was revitalized, and I started putting together my theme that very night! Flowers seemed like a fun and appropriate way to represent the feeling that I’m beginning to blossom and come back to life. With a little online searching I stumbled upon the fact that you can bake a cake in a terracotta flower pot, and thus my mishloach manot were born!
Additionally, I decided to join forces with the Becks and make an Our Doctors Said No Communal Seuda seuda. And then Baby Berdugo arrived so we got to invite the Berdugos to join us! I have a hunch that when my doctor said I could start carefully socializing again, he didn’t intend for me to host a literal party, but I feel pretty safe with both the Becks and the Berdugos and couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Aside from the fact that we haven’t had anyone over for a meal in over 2 years, Katherine and I have actually never hosted more than a couple guests at a time in either apartment! Everyone brought wonderful food and even better company, and we had a blast!
After 2 years of isolation, running around delivering mishloach manot and then having a lovely seuda with a bunch of good friends was absolutely AMAZING! May this holiday be only the beginning of bigger and better things and many more good times shared with family and friends!!

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