Sunday, May 15, 2022

3rd lungiversary!

Thursday was my 3rd lungiversary!
I’m still figuring out my lungiversary traditions, but I have a couple. One is that I start the day by lighting a memorial candle for my donor. I am keenly aware of the fact that my life was saved when someone else lost theirs, and that my day of celebration is another family’s day of loss.  I hope that my donor is at peace and that their family can take some comfort from knowing that they saved lives.
Another tradition is that I baked and decorated a bunch of lung-shaped cookies for my doctors and nurses. I had an appointment on Wednesday, so while I was in clinic I delivered cookies to my transplant team, my CF team, and my surgeon. I then headed over to the hospital with more cookies for the nurses on the unit I spent a LOT of time on before transplant. There happened to be a bunch of nurses I know working that shift, and they were SO happy to see how well I’m doing. The hospital staff typically only see people when they aren’t doing well, so they really appreciated seeing me looking great 3 years later!
On Thursday we celebrated by actually getting out and living life! First we had a wonderful visit with my grandparents, who I haven’t seen since before transplant thanks to Covid. And then we went to Edison for a MASSIVE gem, mineral, and fossil show. We spent hours walking around looking at all the amazing specimens, and still didn’t even cover half of the exhibits. Afterwards we took advantage of the local kosher food options to hit up a pizza place and Dunkin Donuts before coming home. It was the most activity I’ve had in one day and the farthest I’ve traveled from home in a LONG time! It was great to get out and spend the day making memories, which seemed like a very appropriate way to spend my lungiversary.
Tomorrow I’m wrapping up the lungiversay celebrations with a small party. To keep it safe I unfortunately can’t invite everyone I would like, but my doctor said a small, outdoor party would be safe enough. Fortunately my building has some picnic tables under a gazebo out back, so we can keep the party going even if the weather doesn’t cooperate. I’m looking forward to getting together with a small group of family and friends to continue celebrating this exciting milestone!

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