Friday, July 20, 2018

Making progress

B”H I’m recovering much faster this time than I did in February. The congestion already sounded better just one day later, and I have way more energy this time around.  We think the fact that I was already on IV antibiotics for 4 days beforehand really helped. We added chest PT back in yesterday afternoon and I’ve tolerated it well, so we’re adding in a nebulizer med today. If that goes well, we’ll add in the last nebulizer med tomorrow, and if THAT goes well I could be discharged on Sunday. Fingers crossed!!

I did get a great deal of twisted pleasure in showing off my Super Dramatic Cup o’ Blood (sometimes referred to as my Cup o’ Drama) to various medical staff for the first couple days. Hearing about 80 mL of blood is one thing, SEEING it is another, and it’s so much more fun to answer the question “So what brought you here?” with eye-opening props. I also learned that I get an even better reaction when I tell them the time frame, as in “That all came up within 5-10 minutes,” for maximum shock value. Hey, I’m bored, gotta get my kicks where I can!

Before this year I only ever had severe bleeds twice in my life, with the most recent one being a few years ago. Given that, I didn’t expect to repeat February’s drama any time soon. But apparently horking up mass quantities of blood is my fun and exciting new hobby (why yes, I DO need to find better ways to occupy my time). It’s particularly exciting in that it’s COMPLETELY unpredictable and can happen at any time without warning. Unfortunately, the only thing you can really do to prevent bleeding in the lungs is try to prevent infection. Obviously that’s already one of our primary goals and is the basis for most of my daily medical routine, but we’re probably also going to be a little more attentive to smaller bleeds from here on out. While previously we could take the time to monitor small bleeds to see if they became more significant or were accompanied by additional symptoms, now we’re more likely to throw me right onto IV antibiotics as soon as I start showing any pattern of bleeding in order to reduce the risk of having another major bleed. I’m not thrilled about that, but I’ll take a couple weeks of home infusion over all this drama any time!

In other news, what’s a hospitalization without… Pole People! I hope you enjoy the latest crew!

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