Things seem determined not to go
smoothly this time around.
During the last few weeks I’ve been
sporadically coughing up small amounts of blood. This week the bleeds were a
bit more frequent and slightly more severe, which is concerning as previously that
pattern led up to a big bleed that landed me in the hospital. The normal
response to bleeding is to hold some of the treatments that can be irritating
to my airways, but we’ve been hesitant to do that as I’m still very congested
and really need those treatments to help pull me out of this exacerbation. It’s
a catch-22: the treatments could provoke a bleed, which is bad for my lungs,
but holding treatments increases congestion, which is also bad for my lungs.
Increased congestion can also lead to increased infection, which can provoke
bleeding. There’s no good answer here, and I’ve pretty much been walking a
tightrope, hoping not to fall off.
Last night things finally gave way,
and I coughed up 25 mL of pure blood. Thankfully that’s not ER level, but it’s significant,
and left me no choice but to hold treatments. Currently I’m under orders to
hold treatments until my mucus has been COMPLETELY blood free for 48 hours. The
48 hour countdown hasn’t even begun yet, as my mucus remains blood streaked,
though thankfully far less so now than this morning. So I’m already 1 day into
holding treatments, and have at least 2 more days to go, if not more. Each day
without these treatments means I’m less able to clear the congestion out of my
lungs, and makes it more likely that I’ll lose the little ground I’ve managed
to gain over the last several weeks of IV antibiotics. I also can’t exercise or
do anything to elevate my heart rate, as the extra pressure on my weakened blood
vessels could trigger a bleed, so any efforts to regain my strength and get
back to normal life have also been put on hold.
Honestly, I am extremely frustrated
right now. I have now been on IV antibiotics for 7 weeks straight, and will
probably be going into week 8. I have a follow up appointment tomorrow, but we can’t
even do pulmonary function testing because the effort involved could provoke a
bleed. I’m pretty sure they’re going to keep me on antibiotics for at least another
week while we get the bleeding under control, so that will be 2 full months of
treatment. It was already upsetting that with all this treatment I’ve made such
limited progress. To now be forced to stop the treatments and exercises that
could help me move forward and watch at least some of that progress be unraveled
is just infuriating. On the other hand, I’m also terrified of having another massive
bleed like I did in February and July, and I REALLY don’t want to go back in
the hospital. I’m caught between a rock and a hard place with no way to win
I’m tired. Hopefully things will
get better soon.
Feel better soon *hugs*