Monday, May 13, 2019

Surgery update 3

Hi this is Katherine.  Just wanted to share an update on Eliana's condition.  She is still in the ICU under sedation.  They are weaning her off slowly so that her new lungs can start doing more of the work.  I will update later today when we know more. Please keep her in your prayers.


  1. Thanks katherine. Hope you're holding up ok

  2. Thank you so much for the update

  3. thanks for the continued updates. please remember to take care of, rest, shower, change clothes, stick your nose outside for a minute, and LOTS of water.

  4. Thanks for the update....I continually check for updates and really appreciate your help. As others mention, it is so important that you take care of yourself, ...and that goes for Eileen, too. Bubba Diana
