Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Surgery post 6

Hi everyone, Katherine here. I just wanted to post an update. Eliana is still in the icu.  Recovery is going to be a long road but she is slowly but surely improving.  She had 6 drain tubes coming out of her and today she had 2 of them removed.  She is on supplemental oxygen but about an hour ago they lowered it to 2 liters which is a very small amount.  She is on a lot of meds so she is tired but she is definitely coherent.  They are hoping to move her to the regular transplant floor tommorow which is a very good sign for progress.  Please keep praying for her, this is the first stages of her recovery and it is not an easy recovery.  Having said that, this is Eliana we are talking about so we all know how determined and strong she is!

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