Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Surgery update 7

Hi everyone, Katherine here.  I just wanted to give everybody another update.  This morning she got two more drainage tubes removed as well as the catheter. So she only has two drainage tubes left, aside from the numerous iv lines and monitors that she is hooked up to. Also, she just got moved to the transplant floor.  Her recovery is very difficult but she is rocking it and she is ahead of schedule.  I can't tell you how many of the doctors and nurses have commented on how quickly she is recovering.  Please keep praying for her!


  1. Even if you think these posts are mundane or repetitive, please keep posting ;) They are actually music to our ears/eyes and so many are reading them here and on fb. Thank you!! Ziva

    1. You got it Ziva! I totally understand! Thank you so much for all of the love and support!
